We have scholarships to support Indigenous students and host events and activities to recognise National Reconciliation Week and celebrate NAIDOC Week.

We are committed to supporting the accommodation needs and residential experiences of Indigenous students studying at Monash University, ensuring all feel culturally and socially supported while achieving academically. We strongly encourage and welcome applications from Indigenous students planning to study any course in any faculty.

Respect & Recognition

Through cultural learning, we work with our Indigenous and non-Indigenous residents to increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights.

We do this through events, activities and college culture. Some examples include: we engage with events and educational materials throughout the year, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags are proudly displayed in our Dining Hall, a Smoking Ceremony begins our residential year, we an Acknowledgement of Country delivered at key events and meetings, and we observe significant dates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Indigenous Leadership Mannix College

Indigenous Leadership

Indigenous residents are invited to contribute their ideas and experiences to our college culture daily and through formal leadership opportunities such as the Mannix College Student Society (MCSS) Indigenous Representative and Advisory Committee. The broad objective of the Advisory Committee is to advise Mannix College on matters relating to Indigenous access, cultural safety, engagement and empowerment within the College. In 2023, the Advisory Committee delivered Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC and commissioned a meaningful and inspiring mural titled ‘Kyinandoo Wilam – Clever Hut’.

We work closely with Monash University’s William Cooper Institute to support our Indigenous residents. The Institute is a hub for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research, learning and engagement – promoting Indigenous leadership and advancement across Monash University. Learn more.

‘Kyinandoo Wilam – Clever Hut’

At the centre of our College is a meaningful and inspiring mural titled ‘Kyinandoo Wilam – Clever Hut’ created by a local Indigenous artist with our Indigenous Advisory Committee.

The centre circle of the mural is the sun and represents the college campus and community surrounded by its natural environment. Four paths represent the diverse directions that our community comes from. Though each path is unique, they all meet in a shared space. The artwork also includes a tree of knowledge and Bunjil, The Creator Spirit, and Waa the Crow, the Keeper of Wind and Water, as protectors of the lands and waterways.

Learn more.

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Financial Assistance

Indigenous students living at Mannix College may be eligible for the ABSTUDY Residential Costs Option (RCO), which is managed by Centrelink. ABSTUDY RCO will cover all accommodation and meal costs in full for eligible Indigenous students and provide a reduced fortnightly payment – whether an Undergraduate or Graduate student. There are College-related expenses that are not covered by ABSTUDY (for example, social events organised by the Mannix College Students Club), so Indigenous students will be responsible for these non-compulsory charges.

Indigenous may be eligible to receive a scholarship from Mannix College. Applicants will be assessed by financial need. Learn more.

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