Mannix College Admissions Policy

1. Purpose

The primary purpose of Mannix College is to provide all benefits that the Catholic Church under the pastoral responsibility and oversight of the Archbishop can offer an educational institution including residential accommodation, tutorial assistance, academic control, pastoral care and the furtherance of personal, human, spiritual, moral, social, cultural and intellectual development. The Mannix College Admissions Policy provides applicants with an understanding of their eligibility to apply for admission to Mannix College.

2. Scope

The Mannix College Admissions Policy applies to: Mannix College, 22a Wellington Road Clayton VIC 3181

3. Principles

The Mannix College Admissions Policy rests on the following principles:

3.1. Mannix College is reserved in the first instance for Monash University students, during the academic year. Non-Mannix residents (up to 15, as per the affiliation agreement) may reside in the College if approved by the Principal.

3.2 Subject to the consideration in 5. Assessment Criteria, all students enrolled in a Monash University undergraduate course of study are eligible to apply to live at Mannix College.

3.3. All offers for accommodation at Mannix College are subject to a student agreeing to comply with:

  • 3.3.1. All of the standards, terms and conditions as outlined in the Conditions of Residency, including the Community Standards
  • 3.3.2. All of the standards, terms and conditions as outlined in the Residents Handbook
  • 3.3.3. All the Mannix College rules, policies and guidelines including the Conditions of Residency
  • 3.3.4. The full terms and conditions of any Residency Agreement between the resident and Mannix College.

3.4. Students applying for accommodation at Mannix College may undertake study at the following Monash University campuses – Clayton, Caulfield and Peninsula.

3.5 All students accepted into Mannix College should have the opportunity of staying at Mannix until the completion of their studies at Monash University provided they continue to meet the Mannix College Admissions Policy criteria.

3.6. Applications for accommodation in Mannix College are assessed in the order of priority outlined in the Admissions Criteria.

3.7 Applications for accommodation by students who are under the age of 18 years must include all additional signed documents that are requested through the admissions process.

3.8. If a student discontinues their enrolment at Monash University or changes from full-time to part-time study, or transfers to distance education, or completes their studies prior to the end of the academic year, they may be required to vacate their room.

4. Admissions Criteria

Applicants for accommodation to Mannix College must first be accepted in an approved full-time course at Monash University.

Other selection criteria which may be considered in the application process include interview performance and course selection.

Subject to Assessment Considerations, current residents are given priority when applying for re-admission to Mannix College for the following year before Mannix considers new applications, as long as there are no concerns with either academic progress, finances, behaviour/discipline and/or contribution to College during the year.

Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate Monash College students.

5. Assessment Considerations

5.1 Residents must be double vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide a copy of their vaccination certificate to Mannix College. This condition extends to any guests/visitors that a resident may bring to the College. Residents with an authorised medical exemption are encouraged to discuss their needs with the College before accepting an offer.

5.1.1 Residents accept that this vaccination requirement may change subject to relevant health advice (e.g. a booster shot may be required)

5.2 Mannix College does not provide supported accommodation and the fire warning and emergency evacuation systems throughout the College have been programmed to operate automatically. To ensure residents are safely accommodated it is a requirement that all residents must be able to self-evacuate in the event of an emergency.

5.3 A carer of a resident may only be permitted to reside at Mannix College with the permission of the Principal. Approval will be granted on a case by case basis, the following will be considered: genuine medical needs of the student receiving care, the availability of a suitable space for the carer to stay, and subject to the carer agreeing to comply with the relevant policies contained within the Resident Handbook. Mannix may require the student receiving care to provide medical evidence or any other relevant documents.

5.4 Non-Mannix College students (up to 15, as per the affiliation agreement) may be permitted to reside in Mannix College subject to obtaining prior approval from the Principal or Deputy Principal, and satisfying selection criteria as defined in this Policy under item 4. Admissions Criteria.

5.5 In accordance with the Mannix College Conditions of Residency, a student cannot apply/re-apply for Mannix College accommodation if they have previously been evicted from Mannix College or Monash Residential Services.

5.6 Re-admission for residency in the following year is not guaranteed. When considering a current resident’s application for re-admission in the following year, the Principal or Deputy Principal will take into consideration the resident’s participation and involvement in College life, any disciplinary or behaviour issues, academic progress and payment history.

5.7 Monash University/Mannix students participating in an official inbound Monash University Study Abroad Program are treated as though they were applying for two full semester periods.

5.8 In order to create and maintain a positive and vibrant residential community, when considering an application, regard is had to the suitability of each applicant to live within the Mannix residential community. In making the assessment of suitability, prior knowledge of the applicant and any relevant information obtained from Monash University or through background checks will be considered.

5.9 If considered necessary to create and maintain a diverse residential community, the Principal may consider all applications equally.

6. References

6.1 Residents Handbook

6.2 Conditions of Residency (which includes the Community Standards and Residency Agreement)

7. Definitions

7.1 Residency Agreement means the formal legal contract that the incoming resident and Mannix College enter into to define the provision of accommodation.

7.2 Supported Accommodation means the housing and personal support services for people who require assistance from another person to move from one location to another, or to undertake personal tasks.

7.3 Assessment of Suitability is the evaluation to ensure there is an appropriate fit between the individual and the demands of the type of communal accommodation.

7.4 Relevant Information is information about a student’s personal conduct and demonstrated capacity to build constructive relationships.