2023 Staff Recognition Award: Barbara Shea

The Mannix Awards program recognises alumni and staff who have demonstrated significant accomplishments in their personal and professional life, or for service to their community, state or nation. Winners are announced at the Gryphon Gala.
Barbara’s journey with Mannix College began as a resident student from 1976 to 1978 while pursuing her Bachelor of Theology Degree at Catholic Theological College Clayton, followed by a Diploma of Education at Monash University. She has been an active Mannix Old Collegians Association member for many years.
Diverse experiences in leadership and community service mark Barbara’s professional career. She worked as Secretary to the Editor of ‘The Advocate’, a Catholic newspaper, and as a Clerk to Legal Aid Solicitors at the Melbourne Children’s Court. Additionally, she was part of the Boarding House team at Methodist Ladies’ College.
Returning to Mannix College in 2000 as Dean after eleven years as House and Conference Manager at St. Mary’s College, University of Melbourne, Barbara dedicated herself to fostering a culture of pastoral care and developing the Catholic ethos at Mannix. She supported the Catholic Chaplaincy and ‘Catholics on Campus’ at Monash, with her attendance at World Youth Days in Sydney (2008) and Madrid (2012) being notable highlights.
As Dean, Barbara actively represented the College at various Monash University forums, including Equity Forums, Open Day, Orientation, and Transition Committees. She was instrumental in marketing Mannix College at Accommodation Expos for several years.
Her collaborative efforts with Fr Peter Huang O.P. led to the heritage listing of the Religious Centre at Clayton in 2005. Between 2015 and 2021, Barbara served as a Lay Chaplain at Monash University.
In recognition of her exceptional contributions, Barbara Shea was appointed a Fellow of Mannix College in 2014.
We celebrate her outstanding achievements and lasting impact on the Mannix College community.