Mannix College Social Media Policy
1. Introduction
Social media is a popular way for individuals to maintain contact with friends and family and to share information. While there are a number of benefits to social media use, high standards of respect and tolerance are expected to be maintained by residents at all times.
It is important to understand the impact that actions social media may have on future study and career options. Additionally, students and staff have a duty to act with integrity and ensure the reputation of the College is protected.
When a student or staff member distributes information via social media, it automatically involves the College. For example, social media usage associates the College when a student or staff member:
- posts a Facebook status update, where the individual is identified as a resident in their Facebook information
- posts an Instagram photo of himself and other residents
- while on holiday
- tweets a comment about a fellow Mannix resident on Twitter
These activities may be entirely acceptable, however, they demonstrate why residents must consider the College when using social media. Mannix College has a vast network of Old Collegians, donors and other community members who expect, indeed demand that current students will safeguard the reputation of the College at all times.
2. Guidelines
Mannix College has a number of guidelines that all students and staff members are expected to follow.
The College requests that residents will refrain from:
- stating or indirectly implying that a student or staff member is authorised to speak as a representative of Mannix College or give the impression that a student or staff member’s views express those of the College
- communicating any confidential information relating to Mannix College
- commenting or posting material that might cause damage to Mannix College’s reputation or bring it into disrepute
- using any Mannix College logos or visual identity elements that imply a resident is an authorised representative of the College
- using social media to comment on/discuss anyone in a manner that is (or may be construed as) offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist or sexist
- posting material that is (or may be construed as) offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist, or is otherwise unlawful.
Remember to be careful what you put on social media as your reputation, the College’s reputation and other people’s reputations could be under scrutiny. Once it is out there you can’t get it back!
Disciplinary action can arise as a result of a breach of this policy, as per our Conditions of Residency and other policies.